Enroll in Our Mastering Habits Course Today and Get 75% Off Your Course Order



Learn the principles and strategies for making lasting change in your life.



You’ll Obtain a Certificate Of Completion at The End of Your Course

Our Mastering Habits Course Includes

Discover How to Build Habits That Stick and Finally Transform Your Life This Year, Even If You Tried Everything Before and Nothing Worked

It’s time to become the person you’ve always wanted to be.

I trust you already have the motivation and desire to change, what you have been missing is the right system and direction to focus your energy and efforts. That’s exactly what the mastering habits course will give you: Simple, direct, actionable, and effective lessons to help you transform your life.

Taught by Nick Velasquez, International Bestselling Author of “Learn, Improve, Master” and founder of the popular blog UnlimitedMastery.com His writing has been featured in TIME, Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Thrive Global.

It's Time To Develop Your Potential And Become The Person You've Always Wanted to Be

Did you know that 92% of people fail to stick to their resolutions every year? it gets worse; 80% quit within thirty days of starting.

You know what I’m talking about. Every year you plan to exercise more, eat healthier, meditate, save money or build other habits you know could transform your life. But even though you start with high motivation and aspirations, you quit your new habit only a few weeks after starting it.

The following year you say to yourself that this time will be different, that you are really going to stick with it, but after a month or two you quit again. 

Think of how much better your life would be if you had created the habits you want years ago. You would be so far ahead. But instead, you keep postponing or quitting them year after year, which means you already lost 5 or 10 years of the benefits and transformation those habits could have given you. Now, Imagine how your life will look like 5 or 10 years from now if you continue this pattern.

It’s so frustrating. You know you are better than that. You know you have huge potential. You know you can change your life. You are motivated to do it. So, why can’t you stick to the habits and goals you want for your life?

Before you blame yourself, let me tell you that you are NOT the problem. The reason you’ve been failing to build habits in the past and stick to them has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with your approach. With the right system and strategies, you would have succeeded a long time ago.

Luckily for you, there’s now a solution. Let me introduce to you “Mastering Habits,” a revolutionary course that helps anyone create any habit they want once and for all. This course will allow you to:

  • Build your dream habits and make them stick, even if you’ve tried before and failed, which means you’ll finally start living the life you want.
  • Break the Bad habits that are holding you back from reaching your potential
  • Transform your life and become the person you’ve always wanted to be

Whatever habit you want to build, this course will help you. It was created with the busy person in mind. You already have a lot to juggle in your life, so the course is built around short, actionable lessons that go straight to the point. 

The lessons are designed to be simple and effective so you can have maximum results. They are also organized and divided in an intuitive way so you can study at your own pace and never forget where you were in the course. 

Everyone is different. Some people benefit from some strategies more than others. That’s why I included every strategy I learned through my years of research that has helped me or my students.

The best thing about this program is that there’s nothing technical, no complicated terminology or confusing theory to follow. Just simple, practical, science-based advice you can implement right away to start making lasting changes in your life. 

Simple Step-By-Step Strategies To Build Any Habit And Make It Stick

You are going to learn the principles and strategies to master any habit you want.

  • Build new habits that will make you fitter, healthier, wealthier, smarter or anything you are trying to achieve
  • Break the bad habits that are holding you back
  • Finally start accomplishing the goals you had given up in the past
  • Learn how to use your environment to your advantage so it’s easier to stick to your new habits

Discover that you do have the potential, the discipline, and the commitment to create any life routine you want (you’ve just been using the wrong tools).
If you are frustrated with all the times you’ve tried to adopt a new habit in your life and fail, keep reading because this course follows proven methods to create habits and make them stick. 

Before we move further, I want you to understand:

There are no magic bullets, “Hacks,” or secret formulas to build habits and make them stick. It takes work, but it’s not as hard as you’ve experienced in the past. With the right methods, you will maximize your results and minimize the difficulties. For that reason…

This Course is Not Like Any Other You've Seen or Taken

The material in this course is based on scientific principles, unlike the baseless advice on Facebook or Instagram posts you see out there.

It only takes a quick look on social media to see all the new “habit experts” that appear almost every day claiming to have a novel technique to help you develop habits instantly without any effort.

While these coaches usually sell the idea of a magic pill (which doesn’t exist) and quick fixes that fall apart after a few days, we’ll be focusing on principles and strategies based on brain science and psychology. This knowledge will help you transform your life and make true lasting change.

You’ll be surprised at how much you can achieve and improve your life when you follow the right methods and systems…

My Proven Habit Building Method To Transform Your Life
(Like It Has For Many Others)

The information in this course has helped transform countless lives. And it will do the same for you. Whether you are looking to create a new habit, like getting in shape or breaking a bad one, like eating too much sugar, I promise this course will help you reach your goal.

My name is Nick Velasquez, I’m the international bestselling author of “Learn, Improve, Master.” For the past decade, I’ve dedicated my life to studying cognitive and behavioural psychology, peak performance, creativity, and habit formation. My writing has been featured in prestigious outlets such as Time, Entrepreneur, Thrive Global, Lifehacker, and Thought Catalogue.

I created this course because most people I work with struggle to create habits. They want to read more, exercise more, or meditate more, but they can’t get themselves to do it. 

Not knowing how to create habits and make them stick puts you at a disadvantage. Think of any major goal you have in your life. Most likely it’s not something you can accomplish in a day or even a month. 

Our most significant goals take a long time to achieve, and so they demand that we put in the work every day for the long term. In other words, that we create a habit around them. 

I’ve invested a major part of my life to gain the knowledge I’m giving you in this course. I’ve also put a great amount of work to organize it in a way that is easy to follow so you can maximize your results. 

You don’t have to read dozens of books on habits. I already did, and I put the best information in this course so you can learn the top research and strategies in only a few hours.

And I’ve done it because…

Tried Building Habits In the Past And Failed?

I had the same problem as you. Every new year I would write a long list of resolutions and believed I could achieve it all. But within a month or two, I was back to my old ways. Then year after year I would see the same goals in my new year’s resolution and never seemed to make any progress. I would find myself asking:

  • Is there something wrong with me?
  • Why can’t I build these habits? Am I doing something wrong?
  • Are there strategies that could help me build long-lasting habits?
  • How Can I Break my bad Habits?

Sounds familiar? I, too, was completely confused, didn’t know where to start, and felt like all those times I failed in the past was because I didn’t have enough willpower, resolve or discipline.

So I started analyzing what was holding me back. I took a good look at the habits I tried to build and the method I followed. The verdict…

  • For many years in a row, I had the goal of getting in shape and didn’t make any progress
  • My New Year’s resolution of reading a book a week fell apart around February 
  • I said I was going to cut sugar but would buy Nutella every time I went to the supermarket
  • I tried building a meditation habit for almost a decade and my longest streak was 20 days. 

After taking a hard look at my goals and how little progress I had made over the years, I realized that my problem was not motivation. I really wanted to build those habits, but for some reason I kept abandoning them. Fed up, I decided to study everything I could about habit formation. I read books and scientific papers, took courses, and even joined masterminds. After all that research, the knowledge pieces began to fall into place and I realized…

People Fail To Build Habits And Make Them Stick Because They Use The Wrong Approach...

I thought making or breaking habits was about willpower, discipline, and unwavering motivation. It’s not. Habits are all about using the right tools and systems.

Finally, I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. All this time I thought I didn’t have what it took. I believed I was not motivated enough, or disciplined enough. My self-image had suffered. But the research now revealed that my problem was with my approach, not my character.

I applied what I learned and set out to build a workout habit. Since then, I have been working out six times a week for over a year. It has become second nature. I wake up, and almost without thinking, I head out to exercise. And the results poured in. I finally got the physique I’ve always wanted.

A goal I had struggled for years to work on finally became a habit. And it was all thanks to learning the right system and strategies. 

My research had shown me the key to making any habit I wanted. It still took hard work, but it was achievable. I could not have done it If I had kept trying to create the habit using my willpower.

How many years of frustration could I have avoided by learning the right approach since the start? How many other habits would I have built throughout all those years? I don’t even want to think about it. At least I know I have an efficient and effective method going into the future. As the saying goes, “The best time to plan a tree was 20 years ago…the second best time is today”

I want you to not waste time like I did. To not keep trying to achieve the same resolutions year after year and failing. To not feel like there’s something wrong with you. That’s why I am offering you the tools to start reaching those goals you’ve had for so long.

Trust me, If I was able to succeed after so many failed attempts, you can too. Let me show you the best science and strategies to build any habit you want. 

Whether you are looking to get fit, eat healthier, read more, meditate or anything else, you can do it. Let me show you how. 

Let’s start with the basics…

The 5 Habit Building Mistakes You Need to Avoid

Focusing on Motivation
Most people know exercising or meditating is good for their health, and they want to do it, but they still can’t make them into habits. Why? Knowing what we want and why we want it doesn’t translate into habits, only consistent action does. So while motivation can get us started, it is not what will keep up going.

Relying on Willpower
Another misconception is that we build habits through willpower. But willpower is unreliable because it’s exhaustible. We only have so much willpower in the day, and once we use it, we no longer have any left to help us build our habits. What we need is to follow a system that makes sticking demand as little mental energy as possible.

Trying to build too many habits at a time is counterproductive
Every year, people come up with a long list of new year’s resolutions. They act like it’s a wishlist when they should approach it more like a budget. We have limited time and energy. We can’t do it all. Trying to pursue too many goals or build too many habits at the same time is counterproductive. You won’t give any of them the attention they need to find their place in your life. 

Going too intense too soon will make you want to quit
Going too intense too soon is a common mistake when trying to create new habits. Think of people who have never worked out in their lives and suddenly decide that they are going to start working out every single day for two hours a day. Maybe they’ll be able to push through a week or two, but more often than not, these people end up quitting. The effective way to build habits is to start easy and small, and build intensity only as it becomes an established routine.

Lack of Clarity
The last mistake we’ll discuss for why people fail to build habits is lack of clarity. People think, “I want to exercise more,” while that’s a good start, the statement is vague and doesn’t translate into specific behaviour. A more accurate statement would be “I’m going to run for one hour in the mornings 4 times a week.”
People approach habits as aspirations, without a clear plan for how they are going to make them fit into their lives.  We need to translate general goals into specific behaviours to set up for success.

Here is the Perfect Solution If You Want To Take Back Control Of Your Life And Start Living Up To Your Potential

After studying behavioural psychology and habit formation for years, I finally discovered what really works. I created this Master course to give YOU that knowledge so you can:

The course contains the most important principles and the best strategies for creating habits. It will help you to finally start exercising more, reading more, eating healthier, drinking less, or whatever change you are trying to make in your life.

Introducing: Mastering Habits Course

An executive program to master habits: The psychology behind them, how to build good ones, and break bad ones.

Mastering Habits course is an executive course designed with the busy professional in mind. No fluff, only actionable research and strategies to help you build life-changing habits. The course includes 20 short and powerful lessons divided into two major categories: Principles and Strategies. 

If you want to take control of your life and finally build the habits you’ve always wanted…
If you want to exercise more, eat healthier, save more money, or any other habit you’ve been wanting to build for years but failed…
If you want to live up to your potential and transform your life…

The Mastering Habits course will give you a proven method to build habits that stick and make lasting changes regardless of how many times you’ve tried in the past and failed.

Here Is What You Get With The Course

1. The Principles of Habits: What Works What Doesn’t and Why


The course was created with the busy person in mind. You already have a lot to juggle in your life, so the course is build around short, actionable lessons that go straight to the point. 

The lessons are designed to be simple and effective so you can have maximum results. They are also organized and divided in an intuitive way so you can study at your own pace and never forget where you were in the course. 

2. Over 15 Strategies To Help You Build Habits That Last

Everyone is different. Some people benefit from some strategies more than others. That’s why I included every strategy I learned through my years of research that has helped me or my students. You will have plenty of strategies that work for you and fit your lifestyle.

3. Course Cheat Sheet and Quick Start Guide


We’ve all been there. We take a course, read a book or go to a seminar and understand everything is taught, but a few days later we can’t remember many of the lessons. That’s why the course includes short exercises, cheat sheets, and summaries you can go back to as many times as you need. 

4. Unlimited Access and Bonus Material


Go over the lessons at your own pace anytime, anywhere. Once you sign up, you’ll have unlimited access to the course and all future updates. 

As bonus, I’ll share with you my recommendation on habits, my preferred strategies, my favorite books on the subject, FAQ, and much more.

Our Mastering Habits Course Includes

Here Is The Detailed Program of Your Training

  • Meet Your Instructor
  • Introduction to the Course
  • A New You
  • How Habits Work
  • Why You Failed To Build Habits In The Past
  • Introduction To Strategies
  • The Power Of Small And Simple
  • Explore Your New Habit
  • Implementation Plans
  • First Consistency, Then Intensity
  • Get Back on Track As Soon As Possible
  • Failproof Your Habit
  • Use Your Environment
  • One Day At a Time
  • Use The Power Of Small Wins
  • Turn It Into a Challenge
  • Focus On Progress, Not Perfection
  • Rewards and Penalties
  • Remember Your Why
  • Embrace Your New Identity
  • Extra Strategy: Make It a Daily Routine
  • Breaking Bad Habits
  • Strategies Cheat Sheet
  • Habits Quick Start Worksheet
  • Q & A
  • 8 Habits of Great Minds
  • "Learn, Improve, Master'' Book Sample
  • Recommended Reading and Source Material

Our Mastering Habits Course Includes

Become Part of The Success Stories Who Have Radically Changed Their Lives Using The Lessons And Strategies From This Course

You probably don’t have the time to read dozens of books on habits or take a 90-day class to learn the science of how to form habits. 
You need an executive course that goes straight to the point and delivers applicable knowledge to start transforming your life NOW. You want to put your energy and time into changing your life, not pouring over hours and hours of dry research and fluff.

I’ve done years of research and spent thousands of dollars on books and courses so you don’t have to. The mastering habits course is designed to give you exactly what you need: the best and most effective knowledge and strategies to make lasting change in short, simple, and actionable lessons. It is the only habit course you’ll ever need. It will give you the results you’ve been trying to get for years and failed.

This Is The Only Habit Course You'll Ever Need

Most courses and books on self-development and building habits are about hyping you up and making you feel motivated but offer a few actionable steps. They leave it up to you to figure out the how-to. 

The mastering habits course takes the complete opposite approach. The lessons are all about actionable steps and strategies you can apply right away. I will not spend time on fluff or empty feel-good words. 

I trust you already have the motivation and desire to change, what you have been missing is the right system and direction to focus your energy and efforts. That’s exactly what the mastering habits course will give you: Simple, direct, actionable, and effective lessons to help you transform your life. 

The course is not about tricks, tips, or hacks. If what you want is to use a hack that gives you the illusion of progress but doesn’t help you change your life for good, then this course is not for you. 

This course is about science-based principles and strategies that create lasting change. There’s no point in using tips or tricks that help you for a few days but then leave you out to quit again in a short while. 

The knowledge you will get from this course is designed to work in the short, medium, and most importantly, the long term. We want you to transform your life forever.

This program is also not for the half-committed. It takes drive to change habits, and that can only come from your internal desire to change. So if you don’t really want to change your life, then look for quick tricks and tips that will only make you feel good in the short term. However, if you have the drive, we’ll give you the tools to get the absolute most out of it. 

We’ll supercharge your motivation with the right approach so you can finally make the changes that have been eluding you for years. 

So, if you are ready to take on your dream habits like exercising more, eating healthier, drinking less, start meditating or anything else, join me in the Mastering Habits course. I’m excited about the incredible changes you’ll make in your life.

And that’s not all, for a limited time, we are giving you an unbeatable discount…

Launch Offer: 75% OFF

Considering that I charge more than $2000 per month to coach my private clients..

And that the first edition of the course was an enormous success, and this completely updated and expanded versions is many times better than the initial course that was selling for $199.88

We’ve decided to do a unique LAUNCH OFFER. The first 200 students of this new course will get an 75% discount.

You can take this course for much less than the previous one, a single payment of $49.97

No, that’s not a typo.

For a single payment of $49.97 you could have immediate access to the Mastering Habits course and start transforming your life TODAY.

Even more, you can sign up without risk…

Iron Clad Money Back Guarantee: Get Access To The Entire Course for 20 Days and If You Are Not Completely Satisfied, We'll Refund Your Entire Payment

I’m confident that once you take the course, you’ll start to see results. I guarantee that the lessons in the course can help build any habits you want and transform your life.

Here’s my guarantee:

Once you sign up for the Mastering Habits course, you have 30 days to go through the course and put into action the lessons in it. If you follow along and implement even a few of the strategies in the course and still don’t see results within 30 days, I will give you a full refund. 

That’s to show you how confident I am in this course and in the results it can get you if you apply the lessons in it. I can’t think of a more reasonable and fair offer than that.

Click on the button below and let’s start your life transformation today…

This is a limited offer. Sign up for the Mastering Habits course while there are still seats at this price.

Once 100 seats are taken, the price will go up to $199.88

Sign up before it’s too late.

I’ll see you inside the course!


P.S. Remember that the Mastering Habits course is an executive program that will help you build habits that last and change your life for the better.

If you know that’s possible to get the life you’ve always wanted, and you are frustrated because you’ve tried and failed in the past…

Or if you are starting new habits in your life but need some guidance to keep them going and make sure you don’t quit. 
This course will help you start and maintain your life transformation journey. And you have a money back guarantee for 30 days.

P.P.S. This is a limited offer, we will offer this course in our website at a later date for over $100.

If you want to take control of your life and build the habits you’ve always wanted, take advantage of this no-risk offer today… 

Upon Successful Completion, You Will Have The Option Of Printing Your Certificate

Your certificate is a testament to your commitment to continuous improvement and personal development. A badge of honour that reminds you of your dedication to taking control of your life, seeing things through to the end, and working toward becoming the best version of yourself. Be proud, you deserve it.

Here Are Some Testimonials From Students


    « I've been trying to meditate daily for years but always went on and off. Now I've been sticking to my habit for over 90 days and still counting. Thank you!»


      « I finally started exercising consistently and I couldn't feel better about myself.»


        « I loved the Mastering Habits course. It helped me get break some life habits that were holding me back.»


          « The lessons in this course are easy to follow and super actionable. I'm already starting to implement some of the strategies and can see they will be very helpful.»


            « WOW! This is exactly what I was looking for. I can see what I've been doing wrong all these years. I'm excited to find out what I'm capable of now that I have the right tools.»


              « The course works. I'll teach you how to create good habits and break bad ones. It lived up to my expectations.»


                « I've taken many online courses on the subject and this is by far the best one. Sign up, you'll thank me later.»


                  « I can't believe the results. I've struggle to create new habits for a long time, but the course gave me the confidence to overhaul my fitness. I train more, eat healthier, and it's not a drag. I'm so thankful. »


                    « Highly recommended. Excellent material and great teaching. It's exactly the type of actionable advice I was looking for. »


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